
To provide practical information for developing/improving IPE programs
August 23 - August 25, 2023
Showa Campus, Gunma University
Guest Speakers, Participants, Observers, and Staff Members
3 Guest Speakers, 21 participants, 18 observers, and 22 staff members
Twenty-one participants from seven countries attended the program: One from Malaysia, nine from the Philippines, two from Vietnam, three from South Korea, two from Mongolia, three from Indonesia, and one from Thailand. Guest speakers were invited from two Japan Interprofessional Working and Education Network (JIPWEN) universities and Takasaki University of Health and Welfare. Besides 22 Gunma University WHO Collaborating Centre staff members, 17 students and a faculty member of Gunma University attended as observers.
Summary of the Program
Lectures and workshops offered information on Gunma University’s IP training programs as well as the Toolkit developed by the Centre for other institutions to use as a checklist when introducing or improving IPE programs in their institutions. In a workshop, participants experienced simulated interprofessional training based on case scenarios. Additional lectures addressed related topics, such as the present situation of IPE in Asia, the challenges facing the WHO, and interprofessional education and collaborative practice. Some of the lectures mentioned above were pre-recorded and presented for advance viewing prior to the course so that the three-day in-person course could be more dedicated to discussions and interactions. Three guest lectures were offered during the training course. Two guest speakers from JIPWEN universities introduced their own IPE programs and provided participants with further hints for developing or improving IPE programs. A guest speaker from Takasaki University of Health and Welfare, also the founding director of Gunma University WHO Collaborating Centre, talked about IPE and Patient Safety, followed by a staff member’s introduction of a patient-safety-focused IPE training program at Gunma University. Participants gave two presentations: One on the current situation of IPE and challenges in introducing or improving IPE in their institutions and the other on their action plans to introduce or improve their IPE programs. An active discussion followed each presentation. Finally, an orientation was provided for research collaboration through the Asia Pacific Interprofessional Education Research Alliance (AIR Alliance).
Guest Lectures
IPE and Patient Safety
Dr. Hideomi Watanabe
Professor, Dean, Faculty of Health Care, Takasaki University of Health and Welfare
Former Director of the Gunma University WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training on Interprofessional Education
Community-based IPE Program for Undergraduates in Sapporo Medical University
Dr. Masaki Sugimura
Professor, Center for Medical Education, Sapporo Medical University (JIPWEN University)
Development, Operation, and Future Expectations of Inohana IPE at Chiba University
Dr. Jiaru Sun
Lecturer, Interprofessional Education Research Center, Chiba University (JIPWEN University)
Lectures & Discussions
Challenges Facing the World Health Organization
Explanation of the Toolkit
Current State and Challenges for IPE in Asia and the World
Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice: Necessity and Pit Holes
IPE Training Program at Gunma University
Patient Safety Focused IPE Training Program at Gunma University
Evaluation of IPE
Simulated Interprofessional Training Based on Case Scenarios
Presentations by Participants
Current State of IPE and Challenges for Introducing or Improving IPE in Participant’s Institutions
Action Plans to Introduce or Improve IPE in Participant’s Institutions
Research Collaboration through the Asia Pacific Interprofessional Education Research Alliance (AIR Alliance)
Gunma University WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training on Interprofessional Education
Japan Interprofessional Working and Education Network (JIPWEN)
Graduate School of Health Sciences, Gunma University