
1. Detail
Term: 17 February – 19 February 2020
Venue: SDS and HWF/WHO/HQ, 20,
Avenue Appia-1211 Geneva27,
Participants from Gunma University (Photo1)
Dr. Hideomi Watanabe, Vice President, Professor
Dr. Akinori Kama, Professor
Dr. Takatoshi Makino, Associate Professor
Dr. Hiroki Matsui, Associate Professor
Dr. Ena Sato, Assistant Professor Photo1
Dr. Kazumi Tanaka, Assistant Professor
(Temporary assignment to WHO/HQ/SDS as a volunteer)
2. Summary in brief
Participants from Gunma University Centre for Research and Training on IPE (the Centre) visited WHO/HQs to discuss future collaborative activities with Service Delivery and Safety (SDS) and Health Workforce (HWF) Departments. We had fruitful discussions on a range of issues as follows.
1) Volunteer at WHO
Prof. Watanabe expressed deep appreciations to Dr. Naoko Yamamoto, Dr. Neelam Dhingra, Dr. Papieva Irina and Dr. Rogers Paul, for supervising Dr. Tanaka and her accomplishments in the SDS. They all returned thanked Dr. Tanaka’s efforts and explained her working theme.
2) Curriculum guide for patient safety
The Centre discussed with Dr. Neelam Dhingra and Dr Papieva Irina about the global and national action on patient safety. (Photo2) PSQ unit is now developing and revising the curricula about patient safety and Dr. Tanaka is now engaged in systematic review and developing the toolkit for the effective teamwork and communication in terms of patient safety. This curriculum guide will be issued next year.
3) Integrated care for aging
WHO is reviewing content of appropriate the timing and interventions based on a multifaceted assessment of the elderly. The Centre discussed this matter with Dr. Yamamoto and got a request for temporary assignment to assist this field in WHO.
4) IPE Training Course at Gunma University
The Centre reported to Dr. Paul about the results of IPE Training Course which introduced IPC program last year. The Centre also discussed with Dr. Paul for the future collaboration, and Dr. Paul encouraged us to participate in the Fifth Global Ministerial Summit on Patient Safety on 27-28 February 2020, in Montreux, Switzerland.
5) Nutrition and food safety
Food is the cornerstone of humans, and WHO is addressing nutrition and food safety challenges. For healthy eating habits, Dr. Nishida, Coordinator of Nutrition Policy and Scientific Advice Unit, explained the overview of working theme, ① guidelines for nutrition intake, ② guidelines for micronutrients and ③ introduce national policy guidelines for nutrition intake.
6) WHOCC activities on IPE
The Centre explained a plan of IPE activity during second designation (2017-2021). Mr. Campbell, Director of Health Workforce (HWF) acknowledged the status of the achievement of our CC in IPE activities. (Photo3) Mr. Campbell hoped for the continued collaboration with our CC and encouraged to participate in 5th global forum on HRH in 2021.
7) Meeting with WHO staff and staff of The Global Fund
The Centre had a fruitful discussion with Coordinator of Quality Systems and Resilience, WHO staff from Japanese government and staff of the Global Fund. The Centre also discussed future prospects for integrated collaboration.
3. A list of persons met during the visit
Dr. Naoko Yamamoto | Assistant Director-General, Universal Health Coverage / Healthier Populations, WHO |
Dr. Dhingra-Kumar Neelam | Coordinator, PSQ, SDS, HIS, WHO |
Dr. Papieva Irina | Technical Consultant, PSQ, SDS, WHO |
Dr. James Campbell | Director, HWF, HIS, WHO |
Dr. Chizuru Nishida | Coordinator, Nutrition Policy and Scientific Advice Unit, NHD, WHO |
Dr. Rain Yamamoto | Scientist, Nutrition Policy and Scientific Advice Unit, NHD, WHO |
Dr. Yumi Kisaka | External Relations Officer, DGO/CRM, WHO |
Dr. Yuka Sumi | Medical Officer, Aging and Life Course, Family, Women’s and Children’s Health. Secondment from Kanagawa prefecture |
Dr. Alessandro Cassini | Technical Officer, Infection Prevention and Control Global Unit, SDS, WHO |
Dr. Rogers Paul | Programme Manager, IPC, SDS, WHO |
Dr. Shams B. Syed | Coordinator, Quality Systems and Resilience, SDS, WHO |
Prof. Osamu Kunii | Head, Strategy, Investment and Impact Division, The Global Fund |
Date: 28 February 2020
On behalf of mission members: Dr. Ena Sato

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