The 1st ILKKM Regional Conference on Medical & Allied Health Educationの参加報告(牧野)

場所:Berjaya Times Square Hotel,
Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
Term: 3 – 4 September 2019
Venue: Berjaya Times Square Hotel,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Participants from Gunma University Figure 1
Dr. Takatoshi Makino, Associate Professor
Institut Latihan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (ILKKM) formerly known as College of Allied Health (KSKB) is a training center under Ministry of Health Malaysia. In the global move towards industrial revolution 4.0, it is their initiative to organize the “ILKKM Regional Conference on Medical & Allied Health Education” with the theme, Empowering Allied Health Education through Collaboration.
ILKKM Regional Conference on Medical and Allied Health is an assemblage of scientists, educators and research professionals in the field of medicine and allied health where the latest achievements and upcoming challenges are discussed.
3.Presentation at Plenary Session and Special Interest Group as a speaker and Engagement Meeting as a workshop speaker (Figure 1 -3)
Dr. Makino was invited to the 1st ILKKM Regional Conference hosted by ILKKM. Dr. Makino had two presentations entitled “Quality of Health Professional Education: IPE” at the Plenary V, and “The evidence of IPE” at the Special Interest Group. In these presentations, Dr. Makino explained “Implementation of IPE for Undergraduate Students at Gunma University” and “ Evidence of IPE”. Then Dr. Makino attended Engagement Meeting to discuss about “ Pathway Exchange Programmed Collaborative investigation as a source for diagnostic innovation towards better medicine and allied health education ” in each country.
4.A list of persons met during the Forum
1)Dr. Piet Kommers, Professor, UNESCO Learning Technologies, The Netherlands
2) Dr. Ducksun AHN, Professor, College of Medicine, Korea University, Korea
3) Dr. Wipada Kunaviktikul, Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Data: 9 September 2019
On behalf of mission members: Dr. Takatoshi Makino

Figure 2

Figure 3