Fourth Global Forum on Human Resources for Health

Date: 13-17 November 2017
Venue: Dublin, Ireland
Members of the Gunma University Centre for Research and Training on Interprofessional Education (WHO Collaborating Centre):
Prof. Hideomi Watanabe, Prof. Akinori Kama and Prof. Bumsuk Lee
Photo 1
Summary in brief
The First Global Forum (Uganda, 2008) resulted in the development of a global HRH roadmap (Kampala Declaration and the Agenda for Global Action), and at the Second Global Forum (Thailand, 2011) countries and stakeholders reconvened to review progress and renew their commitments towards investment, leadership and the adoption of effective HRH policies. At the Third Global Forum (Brazil, 2013), participants examined how to build a foundation for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) through strengthening the health workforce and elicit HRH commitments to rise to the grand challenge.
The main objectives of the Fourth Global Forum (the Forum) were to 1) advance the implementation of the Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health and the Commission’s recommendations towards achieving Universal Health Coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals, 2) promote innovations in policy, practice and research, and 3) promote the engagement of HRH stakeholder groups in learning, knowledge sharing, networking and collaborative actions.
Gunma University WHO Collaborating Centre sent 3 members to the Forum (Photo 1). During the Forum, they exchanged the opinions on the current state of health workforce and the role of the interprofessional education with national/international policy makers and practitioners (Photo 2).

Photo 2
Prof. Bumsuk Lee with the approval of WHO CC mission staff
29 November 2017