Report of the 1st Asia Pacific Interprofessional Education and Collaboration Conference (APIPEC)

Term: 13th to15th October 2017
Venue: Best Western Premier Solo Baru, Surakaruta, Indonesia.
Participants from Gunma University: Dr. Hideomi Watanabe, and Dr. Yoshiharu Tokita (as invited speaker).
Summary in Brief
Two members from Gunma University WHO collaborating centre (the centre) was invited to the 1st APIPEC Conference which aims to provide opportunities to share and exchange knowledge, ideas and opinions on interprofessional education (IPE) and collaboration (from learning to practice) with colleagues and prominent experts from Asia Pacific countries. The conference was organized by Indonesian Young Health Professionals’ Society and Faculty of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University. Our members shared our university’s IPE programs, emphasize the importance of IPE and introduce the WHO activities on the Human resource for health. Two members of the centre had presentations entitled “Plenary session 3 – IPEC development From Global Consensus to practice” and “Plenary Session 4: Developing IPE in Undergraduate Curriculum”. In addition, they organized “Workshop A. Developing IPE Curriculum” in order to contribute to better understanding of IPE in the context of health profession education reforms at Asia-pacific region.
Dr. Yoshiharu Tokita
Gunma University Centre for Research and Training on
Interprofessional Education.