Report WHOCC PUMC2017

Report of International Nursing Education Symposium, PUMC Centennial Celebration
Term: 20 September 2017
Venue: Auditorium hall at NO. 9, Dongdan Santiao, Beijing, China
Participants from Gunma University
Dr. Hideomi Watanabe, Professor
One hundred years ago, Peking Union Medical Collage (PUMC) was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. Since then the PUMC has played leading roles in advancing medical education, research and clinical treatments in China. Facing the next centennial, PUMC expressed to strengthen collaborations with Gunma University, a WHO Collaborating Centre (WHOCC) to develop a fruitful collaborative relationship between WHOCCs.
International Nursing Education Symposium was the main event of PUMC Centennial Celebration, which was dedicated to the advancement of nursing education by promoting the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and experiences of nursing education college leaders, experts and policy makers from the China, United State, UK and other countries or regions through high-level strategic dialogues to discuss nursing education and development trends. In the 1st Panel Discussion: Excellent Nursing Talents Training, Professor Watanabe was invited and had a presentation entitled “Interprofessional education in Japan Gunma University implementation”, in which global background, Japanese universities’ network and case presentation of Gunma University in terms of IPE. Participants were interested in the concrete contents of IPE program for development of IPE. In this symposium Dr. Indrajit Hazarika, staff of WHO Western Pacific Regional Office, attended and supported to strengthen our WHOCCs’ collaboration.
Data: 21 September 2017
Dr. Hideomi Watanabe