Report of IPE Training Course 2017

To promote and support the development of IPE programs at various educational and social environments
August 21- August 26, 2017
Gunma University
50 (21 non-Japanese and 29 Japanese)
Non-Japanese participants consisted of 1 Filipino, 1 Mongolian, 1 Vietnamese, 4 Indonesian, 2 Nepalese, 8 Thai, 1 British faculty members/graduate school students, 1 WHO/WPRO officer, and 2 invited guest speakers from Thailand. Japanese participants included 4 faculty or staff members of WHO Collaborating Centers (WHOCC), 1 from JICA, 1 from a medical institution and 23 faculty members/students of Gunma University.
There were two remarkable things about this year’s training course. One was the presence of Dr. Suwit Wibulpolprasert, internationally renowned former Deputy Permanent Secretary and Senior Advisor at the Thai Ministry of Public Health, and Dr. Intrajit Hazarika, the supervisor for the activities of Gunma University as WHO CC at the WHO Western Pacific Regional Office in the Philippines in the training course. And the other was the closer collaboration we fostered among WHO collaborating centers in Japan through the training course. Dr. Suwit Wibulpolprasert and Dr. Intrajit Hazarika gave us thought-provoking lectures in the Open Symposium, and it was our great pleasure to have Dr. Intrajit Hazarika as an advisor in the following sessions. Moreover, we were able to invite guest speakers from WHO CC for Disaster Risk Management for Health, University of Hyogo and WHO CC for Translation of Oral Health Science, Niigata University, and observers from WHO CC for Health Systems Research at National Center for Global Health and Medicine and Japan International Cooperation Agency. We aimed to share as much information as we can among participants from the global perspective by holding guest lectures. Taking the programs by WHO or WHO CCs into consideration, participants made their action plans based on the situation analysis with the help of the Toolkit. Later, in response to the advice offered by Dr. Intrajit Hazarika, they modified their plans and made final presentations. Participants are to introduce or improve their IPE programs at respective countries according to their action plans, and we plan to provide appropriate support by monitoring their progress.
– Challenges Facing the World Health Organization
– Current State and Future Agenda of IPE and CP in Asia and in the World
– Introduction of IP Training at Gunma University
– Evaluation of IPE
Guest Lectures
– Global Trend of HWF in the UHC Era
Dr. Suwit Wibulpolprasert,
Vice Chair, International Health Policy Program Foundation (IHPF)
and Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Foundation (HITAF), Thailand
Dr. Wanicha Chuenkongkaew
Coordinator, Asia-Pacific Network for Health Professional Education Reform, Thailand,
Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Mahidol University
– Health Professional Education – Bridging the Quality and Quantity Gap
Dr. Intrajit Hazarika,
Health Sector Specialist, WHO Western Pacific Regional Office
– Strategy for Oral Disease Prevention and Health Promotion – WHO Perspectives
Dr. Hiroshi Ogawa,
Vice Director, WHOCC for Translation of Oral Health Sciences, Niigata University
– Disaster and Nursing
Dr. Sonoe Mashino,
Director, WHO CC for Disaster Risk Management for Health, University of Hyogo
– Adaptability of Japanese IPE Programs in Participants’ Countries/ Institutions
– Filling in the Toolkit
– Simulated Interprofessional Training Based on Case Scenarios
– Application of IPE for Capacity Building in Each Country
– Making Plans to Introduce IPE in Participants’ Countries /Institutions
Gunma University Centre for Research and Training on Interprofessional Education (WHO Collaborating Centre)
Japan Interprofessional Working and Education Network (JIPWEN)
Gunma University Graduate School of Health Sciences