IPE training course 2014

 The centre with JIPWEN universities held IPE training course 2014 at Gunma University on 26 August – 01 September 2014. The objective of the Program is to provide technical information and a model for the establishment or development of IPE program. Goals are 1) To capture the current state and future agenda of IPE and CP, 2) To learn the basic principles how to establish or develop an IPE program, 3) To discuss the possible availability of the model to the participants’ university curricula, and 4) To explore the possibilities of research collaboration. Possible Participants are educator to their educational/health care institutions, especially in the Western Pacific Region. Traveling award was provided to several participants in order to support the some expenses to attend this course.

 Two academic staff from Health Sciences University of Mongolia, Mongolia, an academic staff from Gumi University, South Korea, one governmental staff and practitioner, dentist, from the Republic of Indonesia, and an academic staff from Ege University, Turkey, attended the course to learn how the IPE training is established or developed.

 This activity supported expanding linkages with health professional education institutions and providing IPE training courses in Western Pacific Region and other regions. Mongolian participants disseminated this activity in their institute, then the Dean of the School of Nursing invited the centre staff to establish an educational network in terms of IPE in October 2014. The participants from Gumi University disseminate this activity in their institute, then the President invited the centre staff to establish an educational network in terms of IPE in October 2014.

Gunma University HP http://www.gunma-u.ac.jp/english/html/news_20140909.html