Report of the second GoToMeeting of Health Workforce-related WHO Collaborating Centres (WHOCCs) in the Western Pacific Region

Date: 11th of April, 2017 12:00-13:00 (Japan time)
1) Participant from WHO Regional Office for Western Pacific (WPRO)
Dr. Indrajit HAZAEIKA
2) Participants from WHOCCs in the Western Pacific Region (WPR)
WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing &Midwifery Education R Research Capacity Building
James Cook University
WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training for Nursing Development in Primary Health Care
College of Nursing Yonsei University
WHO Collaborating Centre for Training in Hospice & Palliative Care
Research Institute for Hospice/Palliative Care, College of Nursing
The Catholic University of Korea, College of Nursing
WHO Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services
School of Nursing, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPU)
WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing Development in Primary Health Care
St. Luke’s International University
WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing in Disasters and Health Emergency Management
Research Institute of Nursing Care for People and Community
WHO Collaborating Centre for Human Resources for Health
Health Human Resources Development Center (HHRDC)
3) Participants from Gunma University
WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training on Interprofessional Education
Professor Hideomi Watanabe (Head of Centre)
Professor Akinori Kama
Professor Hisromitsu Shinozaki
Associate Professor Takatoshi Makino
1. Update from WPR on:
1) Meeting on health workforce education reforms in Hanoi
2) National Health Workforce Accounts
3) High-level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth – 5 year Action Plan
4) 4th Global Forum on Human Resources for Health
5) WHO CC re-designations
2. Update from the WHO CCs on on-going activities
Summary in Brief
Dr. Indrajit HAZAEIKA(WHO/WPRO)explained about the date and overview of the above meetings. On behalf of Gunma University, Professor Watanabe reported the progress of WHOCC re-designation and the schedule of IPE Training Course in Maebashi this year. Then the collaborating acitivities such as invitation as a lecture in the Training Course were proposed by Gunma Univeristy. During the meeting, we had discussion between each WHOCC in WPR. Next meeting will be held coming June.
17 May 2017
Dr. Hiromitsu Shinozaki
Gunma University Centre for Research and
Training on Interprofessional Education