The 1st Conference among WHO Collaborating Centres in Japan

WHO Western Pacific Regional Office/ National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Japan
Date:23 April 2017
NCGM Conference Hall, Toyama-cho, Shinjuku, Japan
Member: Prof. Hideomi Watanabe (Vice President of GunmaUniversity)
Prof. Akinori Kama
WHO/WPRO and National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM) conducted the 1st Conference among WHO Collaborating Centres in Japan for seeking collaborating among WHO Collaborating Centres in Japan. There are total 35 WHO Collaborating Centres in Japan by the end of April 2017 which are approved and recognized by the WHO/WPRO in the various field as “Environment and Health”, “Infectious Diseases”, “NCDs and Chronical Diseases”, “NCDs (Others) and Maternal and Child Health”, “Health System” and “Others”.
Honorable Regional Director, Dr, Shin Young-Soo, WHO/WPRO and Dr Hiroki Nakatani, Honorable Executive Board Member of WHO/ Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Japan joined this meeting for exchanging their views and seeking collaboration among WHO C.Cs.
Gunma University belongs the group of health system and NCGM, Kitasato University, National Institute of Public Health, Toyama University, St. Luke’s International University, University of Hyogo which works for improving health system and have tried to find possibility in collaboration related IPE and Patient safety.
Participants requested the 2nd Conference among WHO Collaborating Centres and the organizer promised to consider to organize next meeting in 2018.