Report of Quy Hoa National Dermatology Hospital and Niigata College of Nursing personnels visit to WHO CC

Visitors:The members form Quy Hoa National Dermatology Hospital
Dr. Vu Tuan Anh, Vice Director
Mr. Hunh Cong Ai, Deputy Nursing Director

The members from Niigata College of Nursing
Dr. Misako Koizumi, Vice President, Professor
Dr. Hiroyuki Watanabe, Associate Professor

Phot of meeting:
Participants from Quy Hoa National Dermatology Hospital, Vietnam,
Niigata College of Nursing and Gunma University

Term: 14 September, 2016

Venue: Gunma University Centre for Research and Training on IPE
(WHO Collaborating Centre)

Participants from the Centre: Dr. Hideomi Watanabe, Professor
Dr. Akinori Kama, Professor
Dr. Hiromitsu Shinozaki, Professor
Dr. Mikiko Kishi, Associate Professor

Summary in brief
The members from Quy Hoa National Dermatology Hospital and Niigata College of Nursing visited to the members of Gunma University WHO Collaborating Centre and had a fruitful discussion. The discussion covered (1) outline of Quy Hoa National Dermatology Hospital (2) health care system in Vietnam (3) Collaborative activities between Niigata College of Nursing and Quy Hoa National Dermatology Hospital (4) Centre activities in the Asian countries (5) the IPE training course (6) the possibility of future collaboration.

14 September, 2016
Dr. Hiromitsu Shinozaki
Gunma University
Centre for Research and Training on Interorofessional Education
(WHO Collaboraing Centre)
Promoting Office of IPE

Vice Director, Dr. Vu Tuan Anh(Left)
and Deputy Nursing Director Mr. Hunh Cong Ai 
Quy Hoa National Dermatology Hospital, Vietnam