Workshop on IPE research in Asia-Pacific Region (Online)
– Orientation for Asia-Pacific IPE Research Alliance –

Date: March 18, 2022. 17:00 – 18:30 (JST)
The orientation meeting for Asia-Pacific IPE Research Alliance (AIR Alliance) was successfully organized by the WHOCC for Research and Training on IPE, Gunma University. The current states of IPE research in Asia Pacific Region and the two country members (Korea and Indonesia) were shared during the meeting.
To response to the barriers and gaps in the contribution of Asia relating to IPE research for the global compared to other regions, the AIR Alliance is created with the aims of connecting IPE members across the countries, facilitating research, and supporting each other on all aspects. The key activities of the AIR Alliance were introduced and discussed. The success of the orientation was evident in the excitement of becoming a member of the AIR Alliance from 22 former participants from the Philippines, Mongolia, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei, and Indonesia and 12 faculty members of the Center in the presence of the observers from WHO and JICA. The next step will be implementing regarding AIR Alliance membership application process.