Report of IPE Training Course Follow-Up Seminar

IPE Training Course Follow-Up Seminar (Online)
Date: February 15, 2021. 16:00-18:00 (JST)
The Centre for Research and Training for Interprofessional Education has held IPE Training Course annually since 2013 to provide practical information and a model for the development of IPE programs. The number of participants in the programs between 2013 and 2019 amounted to 84 from 10 countries. After attending the program, participants are expected to play a central role in implementing and improving IPE programs at their institutions. To share the experiences of the former participants, IPE Training Course Follow-Up Seminar was organized. The online seminar was attended by 17 former participants from Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Mongolia, Turkey, and the UK and 15 faculty members of the Centre. In the seminar, 7 participants reported the gaps between their plans at the Training Course and their actual experiences.