Visit to WHO

Visit to WHO
Prof. Hideomi Watanabe, Prof. Akinori Kama, and Dr. Kazumi Tanaka
14-19 July 2019
SDS and HWF/WHO, 20, avenue Appia-1211 Geneva27, Switzerland
Courtesy visit to Dr. Naoko Yamamoto, ADG
Summary in brief
Gunma University Centre for Research and Training on IPE (the Centre) visited WHO to discuss future collaborative activities with Service Delivery and Safety (SDS) and Health Workforce (HWF) Departments. Fruitful discussions were as follows.
1)IPE Toolkit
The Centre explained to Dr. Neelam Dhingra, Coordinator, Patient Safety and Resk Managemant, about the draft of the toolkit of IPE for patient safety developed from the current IPE toolkit of the Centre. We also discussed future challenges for making the toolkit global.
2)Volunteer at WHO
It was agreed that staff of the Centre, Dr. Kazumi Tanaka, will be sent to SDS/WHO as a volunteer for 6 months, starting October 2019. The TORs will be considered to match the areas of interest of WHO and the Centre.
3)IPE Training Course 2019 at Gunma University
The Centre explained to the Director of the Health Workforce Department, Dr. Jim Campbell, about the WHO CC activities of the Centre including IPE Training Course organized during 26-31 August 2019. Dr. Campbell provided valuable information about WHO Academy, Global Workforce Symposium on Accreditation and Regulation at Turkey, and 5th Global Forum on HRH in 2020.
Dr. Kazumi Tanaka with the approval of WHO CC mission staff
Centre for Research and Training on Interprofessional Education
2 October 2019