Report of the 1st WHOCC WPR Meeting (Online meeting)

Date: February 13, 2019
14:00-15:00 (Japan time)
Institutions participated:
1) WHO Regional Office for
Western Pacific (WPRO)
Dr. Indrajit HAZAEIKA
2) WHOCCs in the Western Pacific
Region (WPR)
James Cook University
WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing and Midwifery Education & Research Capacity
Building (AUS-98)
College of Nursing, Yonsei University
WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training for Nursing Development in
Primary Health Care (KOR-16)
University of Technology, Sydney
WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Development (AUS-93)
National Centre for Global Health and Medicine
WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Systems Development (JPN-45)
St. Luke’s International University
WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing Development in Primary Health Care (JPN-58)
Research Institute of Nursing Care for People and Community, University of Hyogo
WHO Collaborating Centre for Disaster Risk Management for Health (JPN-77)
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
WHO Collaborating Centr for Health Workforce Regulation (AUS-137)
3) Gunma University
WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training on Interprofessional Education
Professor Hideomi Watanabe (Head of the Centre)
Professor Hisromitsu Shinozaki
Professor Bumsuk Lee
Summary in Brief
WHOCCs in WPR had a website meeting, using Go To Meeting, with WHO WPRO staff under the coordination of Dr. Caryn West, James Cook University. Dr. Indrajit HAZAEIKA provided a brief update on priorities and vision of new Regional Director, Dr. Kasai, for the next 5 years, and explained briefly about the Global Competency Framework for UHC. The WHOCCs shared the information, and also recognized the role in many activities in the Year of the Nurse, 2020. Next meeting will be held in May. All participants hoped this meeting will develop to strengthen the collaboration among WHOCCs in Western Pacific Region.
February 13, 2019
Dr. Hideomi Watanabe
Head, WHOCC for Research and Training on
Interprofessional Education