Visit to WHO

Mission to WHO/Headquarter
1. Detail
Term: 14 January – 16 January 2019
Venue: SDS and HWF/WHO/HQ, 20, avenue
Appia-1211 Geneva27, Switzerland
Participants from Gunma University (Photo1):
Dr. Hideomi Watanabe, Vice President, Professor Photo1
Dr. Akinori Kama, Professor
Dr. Takeshi Hisada, Professor
Dr. Hiroki Matsui, Associate Professor
Dr. Nobuhiro Saruki, President, Gunma Prefectural Institute of Public Health and
Environmental Sciences
Dr. Hiroyuki Takechi, Medical Officer, Gunma Prefecture Government Part-time
lecturer of Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine
(Temporary assignment to WHO/HQ/HIS/SDS as a volunteer)
2. Summary in brief
Gunma University Centre for Research and Training on Interprofessional Education (the Centre) visited WHO to discuss future collaborative activities with Service Delivery and Safety Department (SDS) and Health Workforce Department (HWF). Discussions were fruitful and both sides reached some results as follows.
1) Global and national action on patient safety
Prof. Watanabe expressed our appreciation to Dr. Neelam Dhingra-Kumar, Coordinator of Patient Safety unit, Ms. Maki Kajiwara, Technical Officer of SDS, for attending the symposium 2018 in Gunma University. The Centre also discussed with Dr. Neelam Dhingra about the global and national action on patient safety for EXECUTIVE BOARD 144th session, Provisional agenda item 6.6, especially for litigation issues in terms of incident reporting system. (Photo2)
2) Results of Patient Safety curriculum incorporated into IPE course for undergraduate student
The Centre provided a brief overview of Patient Safety curriculum incorporated into IPE course in 2017 and 2018. The Centre also explained the analytical findings of effectiveness for undergraduate student. Dr. Neelam Dhingra accepted our activities and proposed to use the Global Patient Safety Network in order to collect plural programs of IPE with patient safety component.
3) Volunteer at WHO
Prof. Watanabe expressed deep appreciation to Dr. Edward Kelley, Director of SDS, Dr. Neelam Dhingra, Ms. Maki Kajiwara, and Dr. Allegranzi Benedetta, Coordinator of Infection Prevention and Control (IPC), for supervising Dr. Takechi and his accomplishments in the SDS.
His working theme in two units of SDS are following below,
1. Systematic review for the effect of IPE in undergraduate programs in the field of
patient safety
2. Contributing to work and advocate on IPC programme and strategies.
Dr. Takechi explained the current progress and future perspective of his works in WHO/HQ.
4) IPE Training Course at Gunma University
The Centre discussed with Dr. Benedetta about the IPE Training Course introducing IPC program. Dr. Benedetta suggested the introduction of IPC session in the course which is consisted of lecture and interactive practice (eg. group work or case-study) for health practitioners or educators. (Photo3)
5) Meeting with WHO staff
The Centre had a fruitful discussion with Director and staff of Health Workforce (HWF), WHO staff from Japanese government and local government. The Centre also discussed about a proposal, “Global Competency Framework and Universal Health Coverage”, a future direction of HWF educational strategy that is closely related to the Centre’s activities.
3. A list of persons met during the visit
Dr. Dhingra-Kumar Neelam Coordinator, PSQ, SDS, HIS, WHO
Ms. Maki Kajiwara Technical Officer, Innovation and Service Delivery, SDS, HIS, WHO
Dr. Yumi Kisaka External Relations Officer, DGO/CRM, WHO
Dr. James Campbell Director, HWF, HIS, WHO
Dr. Giorgio Cometto Coordinator, HWF, HIS, WHO
Ms. Siobhan Fitzpatrick Consultant, HWF, HIS, WHO
Mr. Dhillon Ibadat Technical Officer, HWF, HIS, WHO
Dr. Edward Kelley Director, SDS, HIS, WHO
Dr. Yuka Sumi Medical Officer, Aging and Life Course, Family, Women’s and
Children’s Health. Secondment from Kanagawa prefecture
Dr. Allegranzi Benedetta Coordinator, IPC, SDS, HIS, WHO
Mr. Rogers Paul Programme Manager, IPC, SDS, HIS, WHO
Dr. Tadayuki Tanimura Technical Officer, Office of the Assistant Director-General,
Universal Health Coverage and Health Systems
Dr. Chizuru Nishida Coordinator, Nutrition Policy and Scientific Advice Unit, NHD, WHO
Date: 29 January 2019
On behalf of mission members: Dr. Hiroki Matsui

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