Report of Symposium and meeting organized by Peking Union Medical Collage (PUMC), WHOCC.

1) Workshop of “Nursing Scenario Simulation
Teaching and Clinical Thinking”
2) Meeting on “Research on Interprofessional
Education and high-fidelity simulation
teaching in medical and nursing students”
Term: 12 November 2018
Organizer:1)Beijing Nursing Association, co- Picture 1
organized by WHO CC for Nursing Policy-Making and Leadership (CHN-129)
2)WHO CC for Nursing Policy-Making and Leadership (CHN-129), Peking Union
Medical Collage (PUMC) and PUMC Hospital
Supported by: State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs R.P. China
Venue: Peking Union Medical Collage, 9 Dong Dan San Tiao, Beijing, China
Participant from Gunma University:Dr. Hideomi Watanabe, Professor
In September 2017, Peking Union Medical Collage (PUMC) expressed to strengthen collaborations with Gunma University, a WHO Collaborating Centre (WHOCC) to develop a fruitful collaborative relationship between these WHOCCs in terms of the advancement of nursing education by promoting interprofessional education (IPE). Then the Gunma University WHO CC (the Centre) sent a staff member to the International Nursing Education Symposium, a main event of PUMC Centennial Celebration to provide a presentation there.
This year the Beijing Nursing Association and PUMC WHOCC invited a member of the Centre to the workshop of “Nursing Scenario Simulation Teaching and Clinical Thinking” to introduce IPE program (Picture 1). The Centre member had a presentation entitled “Value, implementation and evaluation of Interprofessional Education (IPE): Global and National movement” in front of audience, who are leaders of nurse coming from all over R.P. China in the morning (Picture 2). In the afternoon, the Centre staff participated in a meeting with staff member of PUMC and PUMC Hospital, and discussed about the PUMC’s research project “Research on Interprofessional Education and high-fidelity simulation teaching in medical and nursing students”. Participants of PUMC and PUMC Hospital were interested in the scientific research results of understanding process and the attitudinal changes of learners of IPE, that obtained in Gunma University (Picture 3). The Centre staff expressed the willingness to perform research collaboration with PUMC WHOCC in this field.
Data: 15 November 2018
Dr. Hideomi Watanabe

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