Report of Attendance at All Together Better Health IX (ATBH IX)

Date: 3rd to 6th September 2018
Venue: Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand
Attendance from Gunma University:
Bumsuk Lee:
Member of Gunma University Centre
for Research and Training on
Interprofessional Education, and
Professor of Graduate School of
Health Sciences
Figure 1
Tomoyuki Kawashima:
Member of Gunma University Centre for Research and Training on Interprofessional Education, and Associate Professor of Graduate School of Health Sciences
Yoshiharu Tokita:
Member of Gunma University Centre for Research and Training on Interprofessional Education, and Assistant Professor of Graduate School of Health Sciences
Shota Ogawa:
Graduate Student, Gunma University Graduate School of Health Sciences.
Mana Shimizu:
Undergraduate Student, Gunma University School of Health Sciences
Itsushi Ono:
Under graduate Student, Gunma University School of Health Sciences
Brief in Summary
All Together Better Health is the world’s largest and longest-running global biennial conference series with a goal of advancing interprofessional education and practice (IPEC) for better health. ATBH IX was held 3rd -6th September 2018 in Auckland New Zealand hosted by Auckland University of Technology. The main theme of conference was “Transforming the landscape of Healthcare – Ohomairangi te Hauora Manaaki” and it provides scope to explore aspects of IPE and practice that really make a difference
As described in the TOR 1 of WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Interprofessional Education of Gunma University, to contribute to better understanding of interprofessional education (IPE) in the context of health profession education reforms at both global and regional levels, Japan Interprofessional Working and Education Network (JIPWEN) universities participated actively in this international conference (Figure 1), ATBH IX to contribute to better understanding of IPE in the context of overall transformative scaling up of health professional education. Presentations reported in ATBH IX were described in the Annex (Figure 2, 3).
During the ATBH IX conference, World Coordinating Committee (WCC) meeting was held and was opened to all the participants, and discussed the future direction of WCC with not only WCC member but all the participants (Figure 4).
In closing remarks, the information about ATBH X which will be held in Doha Qatar in 2020 was announced.

Figure 2 Figure 3

Figure 4
Presentations reported by JIPWEN Universities in the ATBH IX
1. Monica Moran, Western Australian Centre for Rural Health, Michael Sy, Tokyo Metropolitan University. Bumsuk Lee, Gunma University. Enacting interprofessional leadership: Navigating explicit and implicit leadership barriers and facilitators.
Oral Presentation
1. Hiroyuki Fujii, Nihon Fukushi University, Kosuke Kohashi, Matsudo City General Hospital, Kumi Ogawa, Saitama Prefectural University. Balancing professional expertise and the soft care skills of collaboration among health and social care professionals: An attitudinal change study.
2. Michael Sy, Tokyo Metropolitan University. Maximizing the voices and values of the community in developing a village‐based drug recovery program in the Philippines.
Poster Presentation
1. Junji Haruta, University of Tsukuba. Development of Interprofessional Performance Scale in Conference (IPSC).
2. Peter Bontje, Tokyo Metropolitan University. Interprofessional learning in an international context: The unfamiliar as impetus for learning, also about oneself.
3. Shota Ogawa, Gunma University. Report on students’ voluntary IPE activities: A lesson we learned from a new member.
4. Ryohei Goto, University of Tsukuba. Confirmatory factor analysis of the professional version of the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) in Japanese.