Report of IPE Training Course 2018

To promote and support the development of IPE programmes at various educational and social environments
20th August – 25th August, 2018
Gunma University, Showa Campus
Fifty eight (33 non-Japanese and 25 Japanese)
Non-Japanese participants consisted of eight Indonesian, seven Filipino and one Laotian participants, two guest speakers from Thailand, one guest speaker from the Philippines and four faculty members and ten university students from Korea who attended the training course as observers. Japanese participants included one guest speaker from a WHO Collaborating Centre (WHOCC), two guest speakers from the Japan Interprofessional Working and Education Network (JIPWEN) universities, 4 observers from Chiba University and 18 faculty members/students of Gunma University.
This year’s program was co-organized with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Thailand office as the Partnership Project for Global Health and Universal Health Coverage (GLO+UHC). We invited Prof. Wanicha Chuenkongkaew of Asia Pacific Network on Health Professional Education Reform and Mahidol University and Dr. Chanuttha Ploylearmsang of Mahasarakham University as guest speakers from Thailand. In addition, Mr. Michael P. Sy, participant in the 2013 IPE Training Course and Visiting Professor of Angeles University Foundation, delivered an online lecture from the Philippines. On the other hand, three Japanese experts shared their expertise with the participants. They were Prof. Sonoe Mashino, Director of WHO CC for Disaster Risk Management for Health, University of Hyogo, and Prof. Ikuko Sakai, Director of Interprofessional Education Research Center, Chiba University, and Prof. Hitoshi Sohma, Director of Center for Medical Education, Sapporo Medical University. The latter two universities are members of the JIPWEN universities. In addition, through lectures and workshops, faculty/staff members of Gunma University and Gunma University Hospital shared as much information as they could with participants from the global and local perspectives. In the latter half of the training course, participants made action plans on the basis of the situation analysis by using Toolkit and presented them on the final day. They are to introduce or improve their IPE programs at respective countries according to their action plans, and we are to provide appropriate support by monitoring their progress.
– Challenges Facing the World Health Organization
– Current State and Future Agenda of IPE and CP in Asia and in the World
– Introduction of IPE Training at Gunma University
– Evaluation of IPE
–Introduction of the SIPEC Activities
–Voice of a Student Who Worked in the Healthcare Sector
–IPW at Gunma University Hospital
Guest Lectures
–IPE Policy to Practice in Thailand
Prof. Wanicha Chuenkongkaew
Regional Coordinator, Asia Pacific Network on Health Professional Education Reform. Professor,
Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Mahidol University, Thailand
–Interprofessional Education in Thailand and Humanized Patient Home Care Outcomes:
Mahasarakham (MSU) Model
Dr. Chanuttha Ploylearmsang
Associate Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahasarakham University, Thailand
–Development of Interprofessional Education and Collaboration in the Philippines
Mr. Michael P. Sy
Visiting Professor, Angeles University Foundation, the Philippines. Participant in the 2013
IPE Training Course
–Disaster Risk Reduction for Health and IPE
Prof. Sonoe Mashino
Director of WHO CC for Disaster Risk Management for Health, University of Hyogo.
–Development, Operation, and Future Expectation of Inohana IPE
Prof. Ikuko Sakai
Director, Interprofessional Education Research Center, Chiba University
–Community-based IPE Program in Sapporo Medical University: Community Health Care
Training in Collaboration with the Community
Prof. Hitoshi Sohma,
Director, Center for Medical Education, Sapporo Medical University
– Explanation of and Filling in the Toolkit
– Simulated Interprofessional Training Based on Case Scenarios
– Adaptability of Japanese IPE Programs in Participants’ Countries/ Institutions
– Making Plans to Introduce IPE in Participants’ Countries /Institutions
Centre for Research and Training on Interprofessional Education (WHO Collaborating Centre), Gunma University
JICA Thailand Office as the Partnership Project for Global Health and Universal Health Coverage (GLO+UHC)
Japan Interprofessional Working and Education Network (JIPWEN)
Graduate School of Health Sciences, Gunma University