Report of The 4th Annual National Health Professional Education Reform Forum (5th Nov to 8th Nov 2018) (Dr. Watanabe and Dr. Makino)

1. Detail
Term: 5 – 8 November 2018
Venue: Pullman Bangkok King Power, Bangkok, Thailand
Participants from Gunma University
Dr. Hideomi Watanabe, Vice President
Dr. Takatoshi Makino, Associate
2. Summary in brief
The members of Gunma University Centre for Research and Training on IPE (the Centre) was invited The 4th Annual National Health Professional Education Reform Forum as a speaker (Photo 1-4).
Prof. Watanabe had a presentation entitled “Lessons Learned of Becoming WHO CC on IPE” at the Parallel Session 2.4 titled “Scaling Up Community-Engaged Health Professional Education in Digital Age”. In the presentation, Prof. Watanabe explained the activities of Gunma University as WHO CC and training and study of young faculty staff in WHO. Many policy makers and educators expressed their interests in the activities of Gunma University.
Dr. Makino provided comments to speakers who made presentation in terms of case stories of IPE, focused on research point at the Parallel Session 2.4 titled “Scaling Up Community-Engaged Health Professional Education in Digital Age”. In the comments, Dr. Makino explained the evidence for the effects on IPE or CP studied at Gunma University School of Health Sciences. Many policy makers and educators expressed their interests in the benefits of IPE in Gunma University.
The members of the Centre discussed future collaborative activities with JICA staff (Photo 5).
3. A list of persons met during the Forum
1) Dr. Yohsuke Takasaki, Chief Advisor, The Partnership Project for Global
Health and Universal Health Coverage, Japan International Cooperation Agency
2) Dr. Tomoyuki Naito, Senior Advisor, ICT and Development, Japan International
Cooperation Agency
3) Ms. Kae Russell, Project Coordinator, The Partnership Project for Global Health and
Universal Health Coverage, Japan International Cooperation Agency
4) Dr. Phyllida Travis, Director , Department of Health Systems Development, SEARO/WHO
5) Dr. Suwit Wibulpolprasert, Ministry of Goreign Affairs
6) Dr. Wanicha Chuenkongkaew, Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol
7) Dr. Kamolrat Turner, Director, Boromarajonani College of Nursing Chonburi
8) Dr. Anchalee Foongchomcheay, Lecturer, Anchalee Foongchomcheay
9) Dr. Chanuttha Ploylearmsang, Associate Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahasarakham
10) Dr. Walasinee Moonarmart, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Mahidol
11) Dr. Lertyot Treeratanapiboon, Deputy Dean, Academic Affairs and Quality Development,
Faculty of Medical Technology, Mahidol university
12) Dr. Dusita Krawanchid, Researcher, The National Health Professional Education
13) Dr. Ysnisa Taisang, Financial officer, The National Health Professional Education
14) Dr. Suwat Benjaponpitak, Lecturer, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences
15) Dr. Thongsouy Sitanon, Lecturer, Phrapokklao College of Nursing
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Data: 16 November 2017
On behalf of mission members: Dr. Takatoshi Makino