Lecture on Interprofessional Education

Title:Lecture on Interprofessional Education
Date: 22 December 2017
Venue: Gwangju Health University, Gwangju, Korea
Member: Professor Bumsuk Lee
Photo 1
Summary in brief
Gwangju Health University started an elective Interprofessional Education (IPE) programfor first year students last year. Twenty-five students from Departments of Clinical Pathology, Physical Therapy, Dental Hygiene, Radiological Technology and Nursing participated in a five-day IPE program.
The IPE program in 2017 was divided into two courses; STEP-1 and STEP-2. Theirty-six first-year students from seven departments, Social Wefare, and Food and Nutrition were newly included, participated in STEP-1. Moreover, 26 second-year students from five departments participated in STEP-2. Based on the experience, Gwangju Health University is now planning to include the IPE program into the regular curriculum.
Gunma University Centre for Research and Training on IPE was invited to introduce IPE. Professor Lee had a presentation entitled “Interprofessional working and Interprofessional Education” at the last day’s program. He talked about 1) the importance of developing collaborative practice, 2) current state of collaborative practice in Japan, 3) a case presentation of IPE at Gunma University and 4) IPE dissemination in Asia (Photo 1).

Photo 2
Professor Bumsuk Lee
22 December 2017