Dr. Pascal Zurnが多職種連携教育研究研修センター(WHO協力センター)を訪問

Dr. Pascal Zurn’s visit to the WHO CC

Dr. Pascal Zurn, Coordinator, Health Labour Market Unit, Health Workforce Department World Health Organization, Geneva

13 September 2016

Summary in brief
Dr. Zurn visited the Centre for Research and Training on Interprofessional Education (the centre) during his stay in Japan (Photo 1). At first Dr. Zurn had the meeting with Dr. Hiroshi Hiratsuka, the President of Gunma University, and the President expressed his gratitude for WHOHQ’s assistance on the centre’s activities (Photo 2). Moreover, he had discussions with the centre’s staff, and shared the ideas and thoughts on the centre’s activities in terms of health workforce issues.
In the public lecture, Dr. Zurn gave a presentation entitled “Health Workforce Challenges and the WHO Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health” for faculty members and students of Gunma University, and exchanged opinions on Health Workforce Challenges at the regional and global levels with participants.


                                              20 September 2016